Hang Upper Cabinets by Yourself - Cabinet Brace How-To

Hang Upper Cabinets by Yourself - Cabinet Brace How-To

Hang Upper Cabinets by Yourself - Cabinet Brace How-To

Learn how to build and use this simple cabinet brace jig to easily hang upper cabinets by yourself.  With some scraps of plywood and a few fasteners you can easily build this simple jig to make hanging upper cabinets a one person job.

As a professional cabinet maker and installer I need simple ways to be able to get jobs done solo since I don't have anyone that works with me.  This cabinet brace jig has been very helpful in doing that and cost almost nothing to make.

Key Tools I use in this video:

Stabila Jamber Level Set
Bosch 12V Drill/Driver Kit
Bosch L-Boxx2