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'Fix Anything' Repair Tool Kit

'Fix Anything' Repair Tool Kit

We live in a world where most things eventually break down and need to be repaired. Sometimes those breakdowns happen at the worst times and leave us at a standstill or even stranded. I like to be as prepared as possible for those times, which is why I’ve put together this comprehensive yet compact ‘Fix Anything’ Repair Tool Kit. The kit includes a collection of essential tools and supplies for common repairs around the house, workshop or jobsite, as well as automotive roadside repairs and emergencies.

Small Shop Dust Collection - Affordable & Effective Solutions

Small Shop Dust Collection - Affordable & Effective Solutions

Wood dust is definitely a health concern and we are becoming more aware of that in recent years.  In addition to being bad for your health, wood dust is also time consuming to clean up.  The more dust you can capture at the source, the better off you are.  Less time cleaning up means more time woodworking and doing what you love.  As a professional, in my case and in many others it also means more production time which means more profit.